David J. Breding, M.D.


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get in touch

Alta View Internal Medicine

David J. Breding, M.D.

Alta View Internal Medicine is located adjacent to Alta View Hospital in the Life Centre building. 

Our telephone hours are Monday thru Thursday from 9 to 5, and on Friday from 9 to 3.  We do have an after hours line for urgent matters. 

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We are here for all of your health care needs.

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Our staff is here for any questions or concerns you may have.

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We have the experience you need.


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Give us a call.
(801) 571-8517 or (801) 523-1448

David J. Breding, M.D.

Diplomat American Board of Internal Medicine

Alta View Hospital has consistently been rated as one of the top 10 hospitals in the United States for a hospital of its size. Dr. Breding has a long history of affiliation with Alta View Hospital, including previously serving as department chairman. Dr. Breding is a board certified internal medicine physician with extensive experience in outpatient medicine, medical consultation, standard hospital care and critical care. Alta View Internal Medicine Clinic specializes in treating cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary conditions, diabetes and other endocrine disorders, and infectious diseases.

Experience matters. Skill matters. You matter!





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Alta View Internal Medicine